100 percent mortgage

100 percent home loan in Rome, difficult but not impossible

Getting a 100 percent mortgage in Rome is difficult. Find out on the page what requirements you need and what you need to do to get your dream home even without savings.

FAQs on 100 percent mortgages

Here are some questions about what 100 percent mortgages are and how they work.

  • What are 100 percent home loans?

    A 100% mortgage covers the entire purchase price of a new home, allowing you to purchase a property without using a deposit. In general, in fact, when we ask the bank for a loan, the loan covers only about 80% of the value; it is therefore necessary to be able to advance the 20% autonomously, in addition to the expenses. However, there are some banks that finance 100% of the mortgage.

  • How do 100% mortgages work?

    A 100% mortgage works in much the same way as any other type of repayment mortgage, so you'll need to make monthly repayments, with interest, over the life of your mortgage. Lenders tend to charge higher interest rates for 100% mortgages than traditional mortgages because there is a greater risk that they could lose money if you are unable to pay off the mortgage.

  • What are the requirements to apply for a 100 percent mortgage in Rome

    We must point out that banks in Rome generally issue loans for an amount between 50% and 80% of the real estate value, emphasizing that the same value does not refer to the purchase price, but rather to the appraisal carried out by an expert. If, for example, a house costs 100,000 and the appraiser values it at 80,000, it will be on this last threshold that the bank will grant a maximum of 80% of the capital loan, and the debtor will have to finance the remaining 20%, for example, with a surety. This is because the regulations governing the disbursement of land loans have set the maximum limit at 80% of the value of the property.

  • What is a guarantor?

    A guarantor is someone willing to support your mortgage or loan application, who will step in and pay for you if you can't.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of a 100% mortgage?

    The main advantage given by a 100% mortgage is that you can buy a house with practically no liquidity. However, there are also a number of drawbacks; for example, the interest rates applied are higher than for traditional mortgages, since it is a riskier loan for the lender. For the same reason, the required guarantees will be more stringent.

  • How to get a 100 percent mortgage in Rome?

    Many banks in Rome offer 100% mortgages to young customers under 40 as a first home loan. Mortgages are specifically offered for young people with concessions and incentives for the purchase or renovation of a first home.

  • What are the alternatives to the 100 percent mortgage?

    Getting a 100 percent mortgage is not very simple, for the reasons described above, if you want to buy a house without money, you can consider some alternatives:

  • What to do if I can't get a 100% mortgage?

    If you can't get a 100% mortgage, or if you decide it's not a good fit for you, saving a deposit can greatly expand your mortgage options. One deposit could pave the way for you to get a 95% mortgage.

Other types of mortgages besides the 100% mortgage

Mortgages at 80 percent

An 80 percent mortgage is one that requires you to put down 20% of the price of the house, apartment as a deposit, and borrow the remaining 80% of the property value from a mortgage lender…read more

First home loans

Getting the first home loan is a very important goal and there are several factors to choose the most appropriate one. While the myriad of financing options available in Rome for first-time home buyers can seem overwhelming…read more

Home renovation loans

Increase the value of your home in Rome with a renovation loan! Tackle the entire home improvement wish list in one go!

Home Renovation Loans Are The Smarter Way…read more

Second home loans

Find out how the advice of a credit broker - real estate broker in Rome can help you find your best mortgage for your second home... read more

Subrogation mortgages

Subrogation loan in Rome? - It's not difficult!

Transferring the loan to another bank in Rome brings many advantages and is less difficult than one might think. What do we need to know to subrogate the loan?...read more

What are the main partners - banking institutions with which we work?

The main banks/financial companies with which we collaborate in Rome and the Province are:

    BNLBPMChe Banca!Credit AgricoleINGBPERBCC of RomeMonte dei Paschi di SienaBanco di SardegnaBanca Popolare di BariCassa di Risparmio di Orvieto

    CarifermoExtrabancaCivibankIBL-Banca di scontoSella Personal creditFincontinuoTrasparenzaCompassYounited creditPrestiamociPermicro

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